Mar 14Heritage in SchoolsPupils from 3rd to 6th classes recently enjoyed a visit from Ross Cochrane from The Heritage Council. The children explored and learned...
Mar 14Something FishyOur fifth and sixth class pupils recently participated in the Something Fishy programme. This is an educational programme which informs...
Feb 28Picker PalsMs Campbell's class have been partaking in the Picker Pal's initiative. This is a programme which provides the motivation and tools for...
Feb 28Science Show6th class researched and presented different experiments to their classmates via Google Classroom. They then picked a selection of these...
Nov 27, 2023MaterialsVarious classes have been covering the strand Materials recently. Senior Infants discovered that by mixing vinegar and baking soda a...
Nov 27, 2023Energy and ForcesFourth class have been busy working on this strand recently. They initially studied the strand unit of Sound. They made their own string...