What is the Amber Flag?
The Amber Flag initiative is an initiative run by Pieta House which recognises the individual efforts of primary and secondary schools, youth reach, third level institutions, community groups, clubs and companies to create healthy, inclusive environments that support mental wellbeing.
Minsters Jan O’Sullivan and Kathleen Lynch have recently launched Well-Being in Primary Schools- Guidelines for Mental Health Promotion. This joint collaboration between the Department of Education and Skills and the Health Service Executive, aims to promote positive mental health and wellbeing in primary schools. It is recognised in these guidelines that positive mental health and wellbeing enables young people to lead fulfilling lives and is vitally important to their holistic development.
In order to promote positive mental health and wellbeing here at Scoil an Linbh Íosa, we have decided to take part in the Amber Flag Initiative. Successful completion of the Amber Flag initiative involves the whole school community coming together in order to create a safe, positive and healthy attitude towards our general physical and mental health and well-being.
We, in Scoil an Linbh Íosa, wish to rally the wider school community together to endorse positive mental health and wellbeing. If any parents are willing to share their skills and talents with us in terms of music, meditation, mindfulness, fitness, healthy eating, art, etc. please get in touch.
We will be documenting all of our hard work on this page. You will see all of the wonderful wellbeing work that is being completed in our school.

Pieta House is an organisation that works to promote hope among those suffering with their mental health in Ireland. The Amber Flag is an initiative run by Pieta House which recognises the individual efforts of primary and secondary schools, youth reach, third level institutions, community groups, clubs and companies to create healthy, inclusive environments that support mental wellbeing.
The Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice was published by the government in 2018. The promotion of wellbeing enables children and young people to achieve their full potential and be resilient in dealing with the normal stresses of their lives, to take care of their physical wellbeing and to have a sense of purpose, connection and belonging to their wider community.
It is recognised that positive mental health and well-being enables young people to lead fulfilling lives. Home and family are recognised as the primary source of nurturing and support for children. However, mental health and well-being are recognised as everyone’s concern and involves the whole school community, parents/guardians and others involved in day to day school life. Positive mental health for children is part of their overall health and is inextricably linked with wellbeing.
Our aims and objectives are…
To create Amber Flag notice boards in the school, promoting positive mental health strategies.
To hold a fundraising event for Pieta House and a Wellbeing Week to promote positive mental health in our school
To hold a ‘Design a Poster’ competition within the school to raise awareness of positive mental health strategies.
Meet our Amber Flag Committee
Our Amber Flag Committee work together to help promote positive mental health in our school. The committee have been working tirelessly to outline lots of innovative ways to promote positive mental health and wellbeing amongst our students.

Our Kindness Officers are busy demonstrating and encouraging kindness in our Junior and Senior Infant classes.

Stay tuned for more updates on all of the exciting events and initiatives we have planned over the coming weeks!