Sixth Class – Mrs. Meehan
Abair Liom
Léigh ‘Na Zombaithe’ ar ln. 100.
Déan A, Freagair na ceisteanna ar ln. 101
Déan B, Fíor nó bréagach? Ar ln. 101
Déan C, Déan achoimre ar an scéal ar ln. 100
Léigh sa Bhaile
Léigh na scéalta ar ln. 97, 98, 99, 100
Flying High Portfolio Book
25. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Complete A and B pg. 122
Complete C and D pg. 123
Complete E and F pg 124
Read at Home Stories pg. 97, 98, 99, 100
Spelling Made Fun Week 25
Novel: ‘Good Night Mr. Tom’ Read at least one chapter per day, if not already
Planet Maths:
Topic 24: Using Percentages. Complete B and C pg. 150
Complete A, B, C and D pg. 151
Using two examples shown on Pg 152, complete A, B and C pg. 152
Mental Maths: Week 29.
SESE: Small World Geography and Science: Read ‘Transport’, pg 89
Complete Activities pg. 91 and Activities on pg. 93
Activity April 27th - May 1st
Dear Students,
This week, your assigned Seesaw activity is based on the novel ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ by Michelle Magorian.
Goodnight Mister Tom Book Review
Only complete either (1), (2) or (3)
You can choose from one of the following
(1) Summarise what the story is about (less than 50 words).
(2) Which character did you relate to the most, and what was it about them that you
connected with? (less than 50 words).
(3) What was your favourite part of the book and explain why? (less than 50 words)
Please ensure that all punctuation and grammar is correct before submitting.
I look forward to hearing your responses.
Ms Meehan
Fifth Class - Mrs. Mc Cann
Master your Maths- week 29 and complete the Friday test
(I have uploaded the answers for week 28 to Seesaw)
Planet Maths- Chapter 27- Data: Pg. 167 B, C and D; Pg. 168 A and B; Pg. 169 B
and C; Pg. 170 A and B
(I have uploaded the answers for the 3D Shapes chapter to Seesaw also)
Above the Clouds- pg. 218- Harry Potter goes to Hogwarts
Pg. 221 C-Write the tired word and a more interesting word beside it
Pg. 222 D- write the missing homonym and E- write the noun that appears in
the sentence in one colour and the adjectives in a different colour
Spellwell- List 28 and complete activities on pg. 60+61
Duolingo- Please try and spend 5-10 minutes per day on it
Abair Liom- Páirc an Chrócaigh-lch. 124- léigh an scéal
Lch. 125 B- Freagair na ceisteanna; lch. 126- C léigh an comhrá agus D líon na
*each day Cúla 4 have a Scéal an Lae- if possible listen to this
* ELeathanach (Maynooth University) - this is a weekly newsletter which is
geared to primary school children with topical issues
Smallworld- Unit 14- Sound
Read this chapter and write 10 interesting facts that you learned from the
chapter in your SESE copy.
**Check your Seesaw account daily where you will be given an activity to do or
may be asked to upload some of your work.
Fourth Class – Mrs. Collette O’Toole
Léigh sa Bhaile Continue to read one passage per day
Abair Liom P.151 Léigh Comhrá (E)
P.151 Scríobh na habairtí (F)
(Use P.182 for help)
P.152 Ceisteanna agus freagraí (G)
P.153 Na Litreacha “ai”. Cén focal e?
P.182 Learning Next 10 verbs AC and AL
( rith – gortaigh)
Lift Off!
P.181 D Grammar: Conjunctions
P.181 E Working with Sounds: The ph Digraph
Read at Home Continue to read one passage per day
Spelling Made Fun E P.58, P59 Unit 27 (Learn Spellings)
Reading: Oxford Owl
I will be using Oxford Owl and assigning a new book to the class each
week on Seesaw. I have set up a class username and password so the
first time you use the site, you will have to log in using this
1. Log into
2. Click the My Class Login button.
3. Enter the Username… mrsotoole
4. Enter the Password……. mrsotoole
Writing: Procedural Writing (Look again at material on
Seesaw on Procedural Writing/Writing Instructions)
Research, plan and write step- by – step instructions for making
a simple bottle rocket using recycled materials. Include in your
instructions how you will ensure that your rocket will launch!
Planet Maths Topic 22 Length and Perimeter P.133 B
P134 A, B and C , P.135 A and B P. 136 A P.137 B and C
Master Your Maths P.60, 61 Week 28
Tables Revision 6 and 7
Revision of Rivers of Ireland (Use Seesaw)
Build and launch a simple bottle rocket by using recycled materials
you might find around your house. Tips and hints will be given on
Seesaw during the week!
Third Class – Mrs. Canny
Master Your Maths - Week 29
Tables Expert - pages 98-101
Read at Home - Continue reading 1 page every night, get someone older than you to ask you the questions
Ready to Go - Read Mr. Penguin and the Lost Treasure, Do A, B, D, & E
Abair Liom - on during the week we will do Pages 143, 144, 145 & 147
Léigh sa Bhaile - continue reading a page per night
Spelling Made Fun - List 27 - do a section each night
In Maths we will be doing 2D shapes on Seesaw
SESE - We will look at Night & Day on Seesaw. – Mrs. Canny
Mrs Kenny’s Third Class
Master Your Maths - Complete week 29, including the Friday test on page 92.
Tables Expert C – Week 21 Division 3 tables
Complete a page per day- page 86-89. Can you complete each sum
Planet Maths- Lines and angles pages 23-27
Ready to Go - Read “Mr. Penguin and the Lost Treasure” pages 191-195
and answer exercises A, B, D, E and F your copy.
Find the meaning of these words in your dictionary-dreary, fortune,
astronomical, wedged, adjusted, handsomely and quiver.
Can you think of some of the amazing and wonderful things in the Museum
of Extraordinary? Please draw one of the objects, describe it and explain
what its use was.
During the week you will be asked to complete a task on Seesaw also.
Spelling Made Fun- Complete Unit 27 – colour a section per day.
Handwriting- Complete page 50
Léigh sa Bhaile – Seachtain 29: Continue reading a page per day and
answer the questions orally. Don't forget you can also listen to each page
being read online at
Abair Liom-Chapter 17: Lá sa Pháirc pages144-147.
*Instructions how to register for Folens was included in the notes before
Easter so if you can’t remember check back on the “Latest news” on the
school website.
SESE-Day and night, seasons
Check your Seesaw app for activities to help support learning.
Mrs. Kenny’s Second Class
Master Your Maths - Complete week 29 including the Friday test.
Tables- Revise +2 and -2 tables. Can you complete each sum quickly?
Operation Maths- pages104-107
Skills Book – Go to, search Starlight 2 nd class, click into
Unit combined 7 and then 7a. Read A Bear Called Paddington page 54
Unit 6b. Complete pages 55-57
Spelling Made Fun- Complete Unit 27 – complete a section per day.
Handwriting- Complete page 45
Léigh sa Bhaile – Seachtain 28: Continue reading a page per day and
answer the questions orally. Don't forget you can also listen to each page
being read online at
Bua na Cainte- click on topic “Sa Bhaile”. This week we will complete
Ceacht 4, 5 & 6. eBook pages78-80 Encourage children to listen and
repeat the comhrá (conversation), play the games and familiarise
themselves with new vocabulary.
If you have not already downloaded the Bua na Cainte to your Pc/laptop
here are the instructions. This download will only work on PC/laptops as
the file is quite large. Go to, select RUN. Once the
download has completed, click on the file to install and follow the on-screen
instructions. A Bua na Cainte icon will appear on your desktop. Once you
select this icon a login page will open where you will need to enter the
following details. Username/login: TRIAL Password: TRIAL
I am aware that people are using different devices and some of you may
have poor internet coverage in your area. If you have trouble downloading
this file don’t worry, I will provide support on the Seesaw app. If you cannot
download let me know if you haven’t done so already
SESE-On click into Explorers for 2 nd class. Click into
the eBook, go to page 60 & 61. Read “Why is water so important” and
“Why does rainfall matter?” Complete exercises A on both pages in your
copy or on a page.
Go to Resources section- topic 8 Water, then Geography and complete the
Read through p.64 and 65 all about May Day in England and Ireland
Check your Seesaw app for activities to help support learning.
First Class – Ms. Campbell
· Week 28
Continue (where possible) to do four spellings per day and complete unit 28.
· Master your Maths- week 28 (and Friday test). Answers for week 27 can be found on see saw J
· See Saw- Upload your Friday test.
· Operation Maths- pgs 98-101 (Fractions contd.)
· Times Tables- Revise tables 3 and 4+
· Fraction resources; Give me Half ( Halving numbers (
· Starlight Combined Reader and Skills Book- Unit 7A The Great Outdoors (p.54)
· Read at Home pg. 114-117
f anyone is looking for extra reading, there is an app called kids a-z that you can download for free that has lots of lovely short stories.
· The Great Outdoors (Wordlist and Sentences): Using the following wordlist (adventure, packed, campsite, assemble, trout, marshmallows, toasted, biscuits) to help/ inspire you write 5 sentences about “The Great Outdoors”. If you want to write it as a short story, I will post the template we used before on “recount” on see saw. It can also be found on p.17 of starlight. Upload your sentences to see saw.
· Starlight Combined Reader and Skills Book: pgs. 55-57. Answer the questions on the text and complete pages 56 and 57 on a sheet of paper/ copybook.
· Earth Day 2020- On 22/04/20 we celebrated World Earth Day. Write 5 ways in which you can help the earth (there is a template provided on twinkl if you would like to use this Use pictures to accompany your ideas. Upload to see saw if possible
· Léigh sa Bhaile lch 114-117 (you can listen to each page being read online at
· Bua na Cainte- lch 62. This worksheet can be copied from (username; primaryedcobooks password; edco2020) . I will also post a screenshot on See Saw
This week we will take a little break from SESE and do some arthub J You have two options ( feel free to do both )
· Option 1; Nurses and Doctors. Inspired by the great work being done by our nurses and doctors to keep us safe, following the instructions on art hub to draw your very own doctor or nurse
· Option 2; Earth Day 2020. Celebrate World Earth Day by following the instructions to draw a child hugging the earth, showing how much we care for our world.
Please feel free to share on see saw
· If children could participate in 3 of Joe Wick’s PE classes per week that would be fantastic. They can be found on Youtube (streamed Monday- Friday live @ 9am
Preview YouTube video Give Me Half! by Stuart J. Murphy
Preview YouTube video Halving numbers at Maendy Primary School
Preview YouTube video How To Draw A Person Hugging The Earth - Earth Day - #stayhome and draw #withme
Senior Infants - Marian Carr
Maths Do pg. 102
Read any other book you have at home. For those of you who are going to use Seesaw I will be adding an oxford reading tree reader each day which you can read.
Write your news from the weekend.
Do pg. 77 Just Phonics
Learn spellings school, king, sing, ring
Parents can sign up for a free account at using ‘Prim20’ as the roll number.
Log into Explorers SESE- Senior Infants - Unit 9- Materials History Listen to the questions about old and modern clothes and do the activity
Maths Do pg. 103
Read a book.
Go to the Folens website. Click into Starlight programme for Senior infants filter down the theme to Holidays. Click into Poster 15 The Fairground Listen to story 1 or 2 and do the labelling activity.
Do pg. 54 handwriting book
Do pg. 78 Just phonics AY sound
Learn spellings thing, bring, one, done
SESE Log into Explorers SESE- Senior Infants - Unit 9- Materials Geography Listen to the story about clothes from around the world
Maths Do pg. 104
Read a book
Do pg. 55 Handwriting book
Do pg. 79 Just Phonics
Learn spellings gone, were, by, want
SESE Do pg. 42 explorers book
Maths visit Select Learning Games, select 5-7 year olds. Play some of the addition and subtraction games.
Read a book
Go to the Folens website. Click into Starlight programme for Senior infants filter down the theme to Holidays. Click into Poster 15 The Fairground Listen to story 1 or 2 again and do the questions and activity based on the poster.
Write about your favourite rides at the funfair
SESE Do pg. 43 Explorers Book
Maths visit Select Learning Games, select 5-7 year olds. Play some of the addition and subtraction games.
Read a book
Put six of your spellings into sentences e.g. I can’t wait to go back to school.
Do a spelling test on the words covered this week.
Do pg. 56 handwriting book
If students are able to connect to Seesaw, please check in daily as there will be activities to complete. This may involve posting a photograph of work already completed so that it can be corrected.
Junior Infants- Miss Mc Donnell
I would encourage you to tune into Joe Wicks P.E. (Search P.E. with Joe- The Body Coach on YouTube) sessions
which will be live Monday- Friday at 9am.
If you would like additional reading materials has a great selection of online readers which you can explore with your child!
Collins Big Cat e-books are also available for free online at the moment. Junior Infants could work on Bands
Pink A & Pink B and move on as they like.
To access: Go to
Sign in as teacher
Password: Parents20!
‘Dad’s Birthday’ is our optional reader this week. It can be accessed through your oxford owl account.
Monday, April 27th
Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.
Monday blending list (available on Seesaw)
Core reader 3 wordlist- Let’s make Pancakes-First 12 words for this week. (List will be uploaded to seesaw.
Read ‘The duck pond’
Folens online (free account) - Unit/Poster 13-interactive lesson- story 1- listen and discuss. Complete labelling activity.
Just phonics- Page 73.
Operation Maths- At school book- Page 71. Ordinal number- focusing on first and last.
Starlight Skills Book- P.14
Tuesday, April 28th
Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.
Core reader word lists- continue to work through the first 12 words of ‘Let’s make Pancakes’
Read ‘The duck pond’ Upload audio recording to seesaw.
Tuesday blending List (Seesaw)
News- Copying of news and writing some news of their own.
o Today is Tuesday.
o It is _________. (weather)
o The third sentence can be dictated by child for parent/guardian to write.
o Once your child has copied these three sentences, they should be encouraged to free write their own
sentences by sounding out the words. (Encourage them not to worry about spelling/mistakes) Draw a picture to accompany your news.
Maths- parents can sign up for a free account. Select Maths (subject) and Early Years (age) and complete two activities of choice. You can also sign up for a free account here using ‘Prim20’ as the roll number.
Explorers SESE- Junior Infants- Unit 7- Plants- Listen to the parts of a plant story several times. Complete
Explorers book, Page 35. (Draw parts of plants as pictures are not available for you to cut)
Wednesday, April 29th
Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.
Core reader word lists- continue to work through the first 12 words of ‘Let’s make Pancakes’
Read ‘The duck pond’
Wednesday blending list (seesaw)
Starlight Skills Book- P.15
Jolly Phonics- New sound ‘ue’ (Material will be on seesaw)
Just phonics- Page 68.
Operation Maths- At school book- Page 72- Ordinal number- First and Last.
Thursday, April 30th
Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.
Core reader word lists- ‘Let’s make pancakes’ first 12 words.
Read ‘The duck pond’
Thursday blending list (seesaw)
Maths- parents can sign up for a free account. Select Maths (subject) and Early Years (age)
and complete two activities of choice. You can also sign up for a free account here using ‘Prim20’ as the roll number.
Explorers SESE- Junior Infants- Unit 7- Geography- Taking care of the environment. Can you think of 5 different ways we care for the environment? Why is it important to care for the environment? Complete Explorers book-
Page 34.
Friday, May 1st
Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.
Core reader word list- ‘Let’s make pancakes’ First 12 words.
Read ‘The duck pond’
Friday blending list (seesaw)
Starlight Skills Book- P.16.
Just phonics- Page 69. Circle the correct sound and colour.
Maths- Complete ordinal number activities on seesaw.
News- Copying of news and writing some news of their own.
o Today is Friday.
o It is the first of May.
o It is Summer.
o Once your child has copied these three sentences, they should be encouraged to free write their own sentences by sounding out the words. (Encourage them not to worry about spelling/mistakes) Draw a picture to accompany your news. Choose one yoga activity- Relax, and enjoy!
‘Dad’s Birthday’ is our optional reader this week. It can be accessed through your oxford owl account.