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Class Work March 30th - April 3rd

Sixth Class – Mrs. Meehan


Abair Liom

Léigh ‘An Teicneolaíocht Timpeall Orainn’ ln. 94

Foghlaim na foclóir ar ln. 94

Freagair na ceisteanna ar ln. 95

Léigh an Comhrá ar ln. 96

Dean Cé acu is fear leat? ln. 96

Léigh sa Bhaile

Léigh na scéalta ar ln. 89, 90, 91, 92


Flying High Stage 4 Book 2

Read ‘Life in Russia’ pg 183

Complete A, B, C, D pg 186-187

Read at Home Stories pg. 89, 90, 91, 92

Spelling Made Fun Workbook Week 22

Novel: ‘Good Night Mr. Tom’ Continue reading at least one chapter per day.


Planet Maths:

Topic 22:Directed Numbers: Complete B pg 136, B, C, D pg 137, B, pg 138

Mental Maths: Week 27.


Small World Geography and Science: Chapter 14 ‘Study of a Bogland Area’

pg 79. Complete A and B pg 83.

History: Echoes of the Decade Project.

1. Interview: Follow the link-

Here you will find two documents – questionnaire advice and interview

questionnaire. If possible, print and complete the questionnaire. Otherwise

answers may be recorded in your copy. Please only conduct interviews


2. Family Tree: Complete your family tree using the template provided on, if possible. Otherwise you may draw

and complete a family tree in your copy.

Fifth Class - Mrs. Mc Cann


Master your Maths- week 27 and complete the test

Planet Maths-Number Sentences-Pg. 157 C, D and E; pg. 158 A, B and C; pg.

159-B and C; pg. 160- A, B, C and D


Above the Clouds- pg. 203- Mahmoud the Refugee

Pg. 210- A, B and C; pg. 211- D and E

Spellwell- List 26 and complete activities on pg. 56 + 57


Abair Liom- Read pg. 114

Pg. 115- A, B and C

Pg. 116- E

*each day Cúla 4 have a Scéal an Lae- if possible listen to this

* ELeathanach (Maynooth University) - this is a weekly newsletter which is

geared to primary school children with topical issues


Echoes of the Decade Project:

1. Follow the

Here you will find 2 documents- questionnaire advice and interview

questionnaire. If possible print off the questionnaire but if not just record the

answers in your copy. (In the advice section please read the yellow box re not

interviewing face to face)

2. Family Tree: Complete your family tree. Again if you have access to a

printer print off the template of a family tree on the site If not just record your family tree in

your copy.

Fourth Class – Mrs. Collette O’Toole


 Léigh sa Bhaile Continue to read one passage per day

 Abair Liom P.137 Scríobh an scéal

P.186 Learning (Really focus on learning the

verbs on this page)


 Lift Off! P.165 Complete D and E

 Lift Off! P. 175 Complete D and E

 Read at Home Continue to read one passage per day

 Spelling Made Fun E P.54, P55 Unit 25 (Learn Spellings)

 Writing: Persuasive Writing You have to persuade your

friends that a person’s best friend is their dog


 Planet Maths P.162 Problem Solving

 Master Your Maths P.56, 57 Week 26

 Tables

Grow in Love

Holy Week and Easter (Free access to parents at the moment)

Third Class – Mrs. Canny

Master Your Maths - Complete the next week, including the Friday test.

Tables Expert C - Follow on from page 69 and complete a page each day. Keep revising all the multiplication tables from 2 to 12 and use playing cards with mum/dad/older brother/sister to practise, (each person puts down a card face up and the first person to call out the answer by multiplying the numbers wins the cards).

Read at Home - Continue reading a page per day & writing the answers to the questions.

Ready to Go - Read 'How Chocolate is Made' pages 176-179 and answer exercises A,B, C, D and E. Look at the Challenge - can you create your own chocolate bar?

Leigh sa Bhaile - Continue reading a page per day and answer the questions. Don't forget you can also listen to each page being read online at

Spelling Made Fun- Complete the next Unit - section per day.

SESE - The Romans. Go on to the website Click Go To Primary in top right hand corner. Under Level click on 3rd & 4th Class, Choose a subject - click SESE History. Refine Further click Early People/Ancient Societies, Refine Further The Romans - go to page 2 and click on Ancient Rome for Kids. Read the first page & then Romulus and Remus as well as Comparison of Ancient Greeks and Romans. Also look at Roman Achievements & Inventions. Explore these and try some of the Interactive Quizzes. In your English copy write down 5 new facts you have learned about the Romans and list 4 of their inventions /achievements. Could you design a mosaic using coloured squares??

Mrs Kenny’s Third Class


Spellings Made Fun- Unit 25: Learn spellings. Do a section each day and complete 2 pages of activities on the unit.

Ready to Go Reader- Read “How Chocolate is Made” and complete activities A-E in copy.

Challenge- can you invent/ create your own chocolate bar- list all the ingredients, write the instructions how to make it and don’t forget to design a new wrapper.


Léigh sa Bhaile- Seachtain 27. Remember you can listen to the story being read online at

Folens have made Abair Liom available online, feel free to access the topics 1-15 already covered in class. Here you will have stories, songs etc. available.

1. Go to and click register

2. Select Teacher

3. Fill in a username, email and password

4. For Roll Number use the code: Prim20 for primary book resources

5. You will then receive an email to verify your account. When verified click on teacher, class and you may leave all subjects ticked as you can browse through other subjects if you would like.

6. Type Abair Liom E in the search button at the top of the page. You will have option

to click on resources or the eBook.

Scéal an lae (daily story read online)

nog/shows/scealanlae/ if possible listen to this


Planet Maths- Capacity pages 157-161 (page per day)

Master Your Maths- complete week 27 including Friday’s test.

Tables Expert- Learn your divide 5 tables and complete exercises on pages 78-81

Remember to revise all your multiplication and division tables to gain speed in your work.

There are some songs and interactive games available for Tables Expert on go to class level (3 rd ), then choose Tables Expert C.


The Romans. Go on the website.

Click Go to Primary in top right hand corner.

Under Level click on 3 rd & 4 th Class.

Choose a subject- click SESE History and click on Ancient Rome for Kids. Refine further click

Early People Ancient Societies. Refine further The Romans- go to page 2 and click on Ancient

Rome for Kids Please note it is not the first link on page 2, scroll further down and look for this link.

Read the first page and then about Romelus and Remus as well as comparison of Ancient Greeks and Romans. Also look at Roman Achievements and inventions. Explore these and

some of the interactive quizzes. In your English copy write down 5 new facts you have learned about The Romans and list 4 of their inventions/ achievements. Could you design a mosaic using coloured squares?

Mrs Kenny’s Second Class


Spellings Made Fun- Unit 25: Learn spellings. Do a section each day and complete 3 pages of activities on the unit.

Skills Book- Unit 6a: Reading- Recipe for a Smoothie. Complete exercises based on the unit on page 47 and 48. Complete these exercises in your copybook. Plan a procedure on How to make Rice Krispie buns. Maybe you would like to try and make your own? The children do not have this book home with them but Folens have given access to the Skills Book online.

Follow the steps below to get access:

Go to and click register

1. Select Teacher

2. Fill in a username, email and password

3. For Roll Number use the code: Prim20 for primary book resources

4. You will then receive an email to verify your account. When verified click on teacher, class and you may leave all subjects ticked as you can browse through other subjects if you would like.

5. Type Starlight 2 nd class in the search button at the top of the page

6. Under the heading Unit choose Combined 06-Tasty Treats.

7. Then scroll down to Unit 6a- Recipe for a Smoothie and click into it. Here the

children can hear the story read aloud, familiarise themselves with focus words and

complete tasks based on their grammar activity. They can also click into the skills

pages 47, 48 and 49


Léigh sa Bhaile- Seachtain 26. Remember you can listen to the story being read online at

Scéal an lae (daily story read online) if possible listen to this have allowed access to the Bua na Cainte eBook. Follow the instructions on this webpage to gain access to Bua na Cainte 2. Prior to going off we were working on the chapter about Éadaí. We have completed up to page 69. Pupils are asked to work on page 70-73 in their copies if internet access is possible.


Operation Maths- pages 93,94 Capacity pages 96, 97 and 98 (page per day)

Master Your Maths- complete week 27 including Friday’s test.

Tables - Learn your -10 subtraction tables and revise your addition and subtraction tables to gain speed in your work. There are some songs and interactive games available on go to class level (2nd), then choose Tables Expert B.


Explore Easter in Ireland

Go to . In the search button type Explorers 2 nd class.

Click into the eBook- read page 56 and 57. Complete activities in your English copy.

Click into Resources, click into the unit Feasts and Festivals

Click into Easter and try the Easter quiz. Maybe you would like to design an Easter bonnet or decorate an egg, you might even like to start a new family tradition.

First Class – Ms. Campbell


Spelling Made Fun- List 26

4 spellings per day. Complete the 3 pages in the chapter


Master your Maths- week 26 (and Friday tests for weeks 25 and 26 if not completed)

Operation Maths- pgs 92, 93 and 94 (we will come back to length)


Starlight Combined Reader and Skills Book

Reading- 6a

Wordlist (ingredients, self-raising, margarine, purée, grated, chopped, sprinkle, slices)

Activities- pgs 47, 48 and 49 (onto a sheet of paper/ at the back of the booklet)

Write a letter- Write a letter to a grandparent/ someone you miss. Explain to them what you have been doing during your time off school (you could talk about working at home, walks you have gone on, how you help around the house etc). (ps you don’t have to mail this letter, you can show it to them next time you see them  )

Read at Home pg. 106-109


Léigh sa Bhaile lch 106-109


SESE Explorers

1. Mixtures p.64 and 65 (try your best with the experiment, if you do not have some of the ingredients, try something else )

2. How clothes have changed p.66 and 67 (interview your parents)


Just Handwriting p.54 and 55

Senior Infants - Marian Carr


Read Let’s Eat Outside

Do pgs. 53 & 54 Skills Book


Book Do pgs. 51 & 52

Just Phonics Do pgs. 72 & 73


Operation Maths Senior Infants Do pgs. 94-97


Folens Explorers Senior Infants Do pg. 38 The Children of Lir

Junior Infants- Miss Mc Donnell

I would encourage you to tune into Joe Wicks P.E. (Search P.E. with Joe- The Body Coach on YouTube) sessions which will be live Monday- Friday at 9am.

Monday, March 30th

 Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.

 Core reader word lists- continue to work through these, adding a few more words each day.

 Read ‘On The Farm’

 News- Copying of news and writing some news of their own.

o Today is Monday.

o It is _________. (weather)

o The third sentence can be dictated by child for parent/guardian to write.

o Once your child has copied these three sentences, they should be encouraged to free write their own

sentences by sounding out the words. (Encourage them not to worry about spelling/mistakes)

 Operation Maths- At school book- Page 68- Problem solving- Help piglet to find his way to Squirrel and Deer.

Tuesday, March 31st

 Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.

 Core reader word lists- continue to work through these, adding a few more words each day.

 Read ‘On The Farm’

 Just Phonics- Page 64 ‘ch’

 Draw some ‘ch’ pictures in a copy book/ on a page.

 Maths- parents can sign up for a free account. Select Maths (subject) and Early Years (age)

and complete two activities of choice.

Wednesday, April 1st

 Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.

 Core reader word lists- continue to work through these, adding a few more words each day.

 Read ‘On The Farm’

 News- Copying of news and writing some news of their own.

o Today is Wednesday.

o It is April.

o It is _________. (weather)

o Once your child has copied these three sentences, they should be encouraged to free write their own sentences by sounding out the words. (Encourage them not to worry about spelling/mistakes)

 Operation Maths- At school book- Page 68- Time.

Thursday, April 2nd

 Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.

 Core reader word lists- continue to work through these, adding a few more words each day.

 Read ‘On The Farm’

 Just Phonics- Page 65 ‘sh’

 Draw some ‘sh’ pictures in a copy book/ on a page.

 Maths- parents can sign up for a free account. Select Maths (subject) and Early Years (age) and complete two activities of choice.

 You can also sign up for a free account here using ‘Prim20’ as the roll number.

Explorers SESE- Junior Infants- Unit 7- Science- Watch video on parts of the plant. Can you find plants in your garden?

Friday, April 3rd

 Revise Jolly Phonics sound cards- say the sound and identify words which begin with/contain the sound.

 Read ‘On The Farm’

 Core reader word lists- continue to work through these, adding a few more words each day.

 Free Writing- Write a note/card to someone you are missing during this time.

 Maths- Draw up a visual timetable of their typical day (morning, during the day, night) using three boxes, this will reinforce the concept of time.

 Choose one yoga activity



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